3 Simple Questions for Beginning Brand Development

3 Simple Questions for Beginning Brand Development

3 Simple Questions for Beginning Brand Development 880 461 Nathaniel Seevers

A brand is a terrible thing to waste. It can also be a rewarding yet tiring thing to create. This total package of concrete and abstract things and emotions can seem daunting. Like trying to catch fog. Brand development contains a number of things to consider. The good news is that you can start to create a more clear picture of what your brand should be by asking yourself a few key questions.

    1. What do we do and why does it matter? This can be simple if you let it. Keep things focused, but always consider why it matters to your customers. If you have extensions of your business that lack purpose you will wind up with a blurred brand that’s difficult to engage with. Read more about brand extensions from Branding Insiders here. For example, We make damn good gourmet cupcakes. It matters because we love to make people smile and we believe a cupcake can brighten anyone’s day.
    2. Who are our customers and what do they expect from us? This is often the most difficult part. Sometimes you want everyone to be your customer and many businesses will have a great mix of demographics. But you don’t just want folks buying your product or service, you want folks who will engage with your brand and become an advocate for it. Our customers love to treat themselves to a gourmet cupcake. They likely work hard and play hard – make a solid living – maybe have kids. When they come into our shop they expect a focus on quality and a variety of unique cupcakes they can’t find anywhere else.
    3. How do we differentiate and how do we exceed expectations? Start thinking about what makes you different. There may be multiple gourmet cupcake businesses in your city. How do you stand out? The goal is to create a charismatic brand – one that folks feel there is no replacement for.

Remember, brand development takes time. Though you want to solidify the pieces that reflect what you want your brand to be it is a living thing of sorts and may evolve and grow as your business does.

photo credit: Stew Dean

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