I’m here to help your business, so I wanted to make a simple plea.
Please use the internet to reach your audience. For your own sake… please…..
Millions and millions of folks across the country are logging in every day. Folks sitting in their cubicle are surfing the web while they’re supposed to be working. Retired grandparents are sitting at home reading Facebook on their iPad. Anyone under 30 is trying to look you up on their iPhone (hopefully not while they’re driving) or asking their Twitter friends for recommendations on businesses that do exactly what you do.
Never in the history of communications have you – a business – had an opportunity to perform mass marketing on an individual basis.
It hurts me that I have to make this plea, but I see so many of you leaving money on the table. Rather than connecting your fans online, you open up shop every day and just hope that folks wander in. Maybe buy an ad in a local newspaper or Yellow Pages.
You run radio or tv ads and don’t give your potential customers a place to learn more before they decide to come give you a shot. When I tell my friends about your business, I can’t send them a link to your radio ad or your newspaper ad.
So please, please, please get online. Do it for your business. Use it for a purpose. Do it well.
With online participation trending up and not down, you’re digging your own grave by waiting.
Photo Credit: Johan Brook