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Basics for Getting the Most from LinkedIn

Building a Solid LinkedIn Foundation

Just because you have a presence on LinkedIn doesn’t mean it’s doing things for you. LinkedIn is considered the world’s largest audience of influential, affluent professionals in one place, and they are gaining one new member every two seconds. Use this almighty information to your advantage. Here are straightforward, but often overlooked, basics for getting the most from LinkedIn.

4 kick-ass things you should be doing on LinkedIn?

Share Information.

You find a cool new tool that helps your business and you keep it all to yourself. Well, that’s selfish. Share it! And don’t do that ultra-mega social media blast unless it is earth-shattering information. Pick what info you are going to share on which social network.

Why? Because each platform could mean a different type of audience for you. An awesome Ryan Gosling meme will be loved and shared on Facebook but on Linkedin, that’s not what your audience is looking for. And don’t just share your own articles, curate great info your connections and groups can use.


Link with people, people!

Join networks and groups that are related to your company or your company’s interests. Within these groups stay involved and connected. Offer answers to questions being asked. This is a great way to increase your exposure and expand your network.

Stay Updated.

People like to see change. So, be the change people like to see (cliché right?). Change up, switch up and update your information. Also, stay consistent with how often you share a post or update what’s going on in your company.

Jazz Up Your Services Page

Remember, when people look at your services page you want to showcase everything you have to offer. Dress it up to the nines.

Similar to a resume, list your services from most important to least. Also, don’t skimp on the details of your services. Keep it clean and sharp.

What does this do for your Marketing?

Psh… What doesn’t it do for your marketing?

LinkedIn not only aids in the recruitment of employees and services, it can help you build your brand and collaborate with others by staying connected and top of mind.  Social media marketing like LinkedIn This a great way to expand your small business and increase your exposure. What is your small business doing to move forward on LinkedIn?

Photo credit: Sheila Scarborough

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