Google Analytics Made Easier

Google Analytics Made Easier

Google Analytics Made Easier 1920 700 Marsh Williams

For those of you who know the power of the Google Analytics dashboard, you can skip to the next paragraph. For the rest of you, Google Analytics has the ability to create customized dashboards which provide a fast detailed look at any set of data you want. While it can be a bit “wonky” to create them they are well worth the effort if you’re trying to get a quick look at any subset of information and invaluable in understanding your audience.

Or if you don’t want to create your own, there are places on the webernet that you can also find pre-packaged dashboards which can be directly imported to your GA.

We have found a few of these to be especially effective and use them frequently…

Site Performance – Go get it

This is a great option for showing how your site is actually performing from a time-to-load standpoint. It also shows metrics for performance in each browser.

SitePerformance Sample

Click the image to enlarge.

SEO dashboard from Anna Lewis at Koozai – Go get it

An excellent dashboard for getting a quick and consolidated view of all sep traffic; both brand and non-brand keywords.

SEO Dashboard Sample

Click the image to enlarge.

70 facts about visitors from Dashboard Junkie – Go get it

This provides a great overview of visitor information.


Click the image to enlarge.

Social media from Justin Cutroni – Go get it

Excellent for tracking social media effectiveness and traffic generation.

JC SocialMedia Sample

Click the image to enlarge. 

Real-time overview from Dan Barker – Go get it

An excellent real-time dashboard for looking at GA. Much better than the standard one.

By integrating Dashboards to your GA account you can greatly increase the ability to see the data you want in a single view. Add these to your GA and see what you think. If you know of others please use the comments section to share them with everyone else.

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