Useful brand and marketing articles from the Shout Out team.


Photo of newly sharpened color pencils
How Color Can Impact Your Business 880 461 Nathaniel Seevers

How Color Can Impact Your Business

Color can play a major role in how folks think about your business Color choice in branding and identity design can come from many different places. Maybe it’s simply your favorite color or the color…

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Which Social Network for What? 842 452 Marsh Williams

Which Social Network for What?

LinkedIn has just released a new report on how people use various social networks to stay in touch: “The Mindset Divide Revealing how emotions differ between personal and professional networks.” Most of us have multiple…

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3 Absolute Truths About SEO 842 452 Shout Out Studio

3 Absolute Truths About SEO

Optimizing a website for search engines is absolutely critical for brands hoping to be the answer to a searcher’s query. While the importance is obvious, the strategy and tactics to get there are not. Being…

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Why Our Website is Full of Articles 842 452 Shout Out Studio

Why Our Website is Full of Articles

We did what everyone else does. We sat around a table and asked the question, “What do we want to have on our website?” It’s a normal question that small business folks ask themselves. Our…

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website considerations
What to Consider When Creating Your Website 880 461 Nathaniel Seevers

What to Consider When Creating Your Website

Creating a website can be a rewarding investment if you approach the project with some key things in mind. What do you want to accomplish by having a site? Whether you’re a photographer looking to…

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SocialMedia Research
Great Social Media Research 842 452 Marsh Williams

Great Social Media Research

Looking for some social media research on how it is being used by various small businesses and segments in the market? What sites are generating the most action and where is the time/money being spent?…

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ColinPowell SocialMedia
General Colin Powell on Social Media 842 452 Marsh Williams

General Colin Powell on Social Media invited General Colin Powell to speak at its Dreamforce 12 conference and share his thoughts on the ups and downs of social media. He spoke on a number of points including its role in…

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Photo of the number 3 painted on a wall
3 Simple Questions for Beginning Brand Development 880 461 Nathaniel Seevers

3 Simple Questions for Beginning Brand Development

A brand is a terrible thing to waste. It can also be a rewarding yet tiring thing to create. This total package of concrete and abstract things and emotions can seem daunting. Like trying to…

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Keys to Building an Opt-In Email List 842 452 Shout Out Studio

Keys to Building an Opt-In Email List

Building an Opt-In email list isn’t easy and it’s not fast. However, it can be very, very effective. To keep your emails from ending up in your audience’s spam folder, 1. Ask for the Email…

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We’re a brand marketing team helping companies connect and engage with their audience in authentic and meaningful ways. We marry strategy, data, and creative to create and execute marketing that benefits the business and the consumer.

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